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Jae jin -Lee b. 1998, Seongnam, Korea

Lee Jae-jin has a fascinating approach to art, blending sight and hearing in his works. He finds inspiration in sound for his visual creations and in sight for his auditory pieces. His focus on observation is key, as he contemplates the visual visibility and potential sound of an object before imagining a work. By using visual and auditory elements, he brings forth a story that can be imagined from the object. Currently, he is studying Composition in Chung-Ang University’s Faculty of Traditional Arts and Photography in the Department of Performing Arts.

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앵커 1

" 사람들이 자신만의 수단으로 무엇인가를 표현하면서 살아가는 세상을 만들고 싶습니다 "

“I want to create a world where people can express themselves through their own means.”

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